Get WhatsApp Read Receipts

WhatsApp allows its users to turn OFF Read Receipts, in case they want to prevent others from seeing whether or not they have read messages in WhatsApp. In order to be fair to everyone, WhatsApp does not allow you to see the Read Receipts of others, in case you decide to disable Read Receipts in your own WhatsApp account. However, there is a workaround that allows you to Get WhatsApp Read Receipts even if someone has turned OFF read receipts in his/her WhatsApp account.

Get WhatsApp Read Receipts Even if Someone Has Turned Them OFF

First disable WhatsApp Read Receipts on your iPhone or Android Phone and see what the Privacy screen in WhatsApp looks like. 1. On iPhone, tap on Settings > Account > Privacy

2. On Android Phone, tap on 3 dots menu > Settings > Account > Privacy.

As you can see in the above image WhatsApp says that “Read Receipts are always sent for group chats.”. This practically means that every member in a WhatsApp Group will be sending Read Receipts, even if Read Receipts are turned off in their WhatsApp Account. We can make use of this fact to Create a WhatsApp Group, add the person who has turned OFF read Receipts to this Group and get WhatsApp Read Receipts.

  1. Open WhatsApp on your iPhone or Android Phone. 2. Once you are in WhatsApp, tap on New Group.

  2. On the next screen, add people to this group by tapping on their Names. Once you are done adding people, tap on Next.

4. On the next screen, type the Name of your new WhatsApp Group and tap on Create.

WhatsApp will automatically send invitations on your behalf to the people that you have added to this New Group. Once your invitation to join WhatsApp is accepted, you will be able to get read receipts from people that you have added to this Group, even if they have turned OFF Read Receipts in their WhatsApp Accounts.

How to Get WhatsApp Read Receipts Even if Someone Has Turned Them OFF - 41How to Get WhatsApp Read Receipts Even if Someone Has Turned Them OFF - 39How to Get WhatsApp Read Receipts Even if Someone Has Turned Them OFF - 99How to Get WhatsApp Read Receipts Even if Someone Has Turned Them OFF - 23How to Get WhatsApp Read Receipts Even if Someone Has Turned Them OFF - 27How to Get WhatsApp Read Receipts Even if Someone Has Turned Them OFF - 78